Completing the Course of Study
The best possible preparation for ministry will be found by your attendance at one of our Nazarene Institutions of higher education. Send in your application and once you are accepted pack up your bags and move yourself (and of course your family if you have one) to the campus. This relocation in itself is an incredible preparation tool. You will learn to depend on God to provide the resources you need instead of depending on yourself. That my friend is an indispensable lesson for fulltime ministers in the Church.
If you feel God has told you to specifically stay home then here’s some information you need to know to help you decide on your Course of Study Options.
NBC offers a degree completion program for those who already have
60+ hours of college credit and BC offers a Bachelors Degree all online.
This we believe is your best stay at home option. When you have completed the program not only have you meet the minimum requirements for your education as a fulltime minister but you also have earned a fully accredited college degree.
2. Nazarene Bible College Ministry Preparation Program in conjunction with ADMTC.
There are 17 courses to be completed in the MPP at NBC and 8 courses through
Here’s an overview of the courses:
1. MPP 1541 Introduction to the New Testament
2. MPP 1731 Developing a Missional Church
3.THE-1043 Exploring Christian Holiness [ MUST BE TAKEN WITH ADMTC ]
4. MPP 1511 English Composition 1
5.PAS-2023 History & Polity of the Church of the Nazarene [MUST BE TAKEN WITH ADMTC]
6.PAS-1023 Spiritual Formation [MUST BE TAKEN WITH ADMTC]
7. MPP 1531 Introduction to the Old Testament
8. MPP 1591 Biblical Interpretation
9. MPP 1661 Systematic Theology 1
10. MMP 1571 Western World/Ancient & Medieval Times
11. MPP 1711 Philosophy and Christian Ethics
12. PAS-3033 Christian Preaching I [MUST BE TAKEN WITH ADMTC]
13. MPP 1671 Systematic Theology II
14. MPP 1631 The Practice of
15. PAS-3043 Christian Preaching II [MUST BE TAKEN WITH ADMTC]
16. MPP 1561 Leadership in Christian Education Ministries
17. MPP 1581 Western World/Emerging Modern Society
18. MPP 1521 Intro to Psychology * Hebrew Prophets may be substituted for Intro to Psy.
19. MPP 1601 Pentateuch
20. MPP 1611 New Testament Gospels
21. MPP 1651 Pauline Epistles
22. MPP 1641 Global Evangelism
23. MPP 1741 Church Administration and Finance
24. PAS-3023 Pastoral Care and Counseling [MUST BE TAKEN WITH ADMTC]
25. MPP 1751 Supervised Ministry Experience
3. You can take the above classes through ADMTC
in a classroom setting on the District.
Once you begin the Course of Study you have 10 years to complete it. Most people are able to complete the course of study in 4 years. You might be one of those exceptionally brilliant people and will be able to complete it sooner.
You must compete at least two courses per the District Church Year in order to renew you Local Ministerial License.
You must complete a total of 5 courses plus History & Polity of the Church of the Nazarene [MUST BE TAKEN WITH ADMTC] (a total of 6 courses) before you can be considered for a District Ministerial License
For an ADMTC APPLICATION contact Rev. Art Fisher