Beliefs of Our Faith Community Part #1


In recent months we finished up two series of messages that relate to the series that    we will start today.


What Every Christian Believes was a series about the dogma of the faith.

          Dogma states the essential beliefs of Christianity.

                   We used the Apostle’s Creed to help identify the dogma of the Church


I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
    the Maker of heaven and earth,
            and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
    born of the virgin Mary,
             suffered under Pontius Pilate,
                      was crucified, dead, and buried;

He descended into hell.

          The third day He arose again from the dead;

He ascended into heaven,
    and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
              from where He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost;
    the holy catholic church;
              the communion of saints;
                       the forgiveness of sins;
                                 the resurrection of the body;
                                         and the life everlasting.



Just a reminder the word catholic in the creed refers to the church universal not the

          Roman Catholic Church or Catholicism.



After considering  dogma we then studied the book of 1 John, exploring Authentic



          The Apostle John gave us three tests to assure us that we are practicing

                   Authentic Christianity.

                             There is the Dogma test of the incarnation,

                                                Jesus is fully God and fully human, fully both at

                                                          the same time.


                             There is the moral test of obedience,

                                      A true believer obeys God’s commands


                             And there is the social test of love,

                                      A true believer self sacrificially meets the needs of others


          If you recall a person needs to pass all three tests in order to be practicing

                   authentic Christianity.


Today we will start a series entitled “Beliefs of Our Faith Community”

          This will be a series about doctrine.

                   You know that dogma is a consistent across the wide spectrum of

                             authentic Christian belief.


                   Doctrine is a faith communities belief and practice based on dogma.

                             Doctrine can be different from one faith community to the next.

                                      Because they are basically the faith communities

                                                Teachings of their understanding of the scripture.


                   All doctrines are subordinate to dogma.

                             In other words doctrines that disagree or contradict dogma,

                                      Are wrong.


I put a picture of the Christian Faith Family Tree in your notes.

          Judaism is at the bottom because out of it came Christianity.

                   Judaism is in the roots of Christianity

                             But the tree doesn’t break ground until Christ.


Each one of those branches holds to the dogma of the Apostle’s Creed,

          But each branch has a different doctrinal stance

                   Way up at the top of the tree you will see a branch labeled “holiness.”


                   I’d like you to draw in 5 smaller branches

                             And then label the branches:

                                      Wesleyan, Salvation Army, Nazarene, Free Methodist

                                                and Church of God (Anderson)

                                                          These five faith families are very similar in













Text Box:  
Text Box: Church of God (Anderson)
Text Box: Salvation 
Text Box: Church of the Nazarene
Text Box: Free






These five faith families

          Wesleyan, Salvation Army, Nazarene, Free Methodist and Church of God


                             are very similar in doctrine.


Even though this is a very simplistic diagram

          we can trace our doctrinal roots from the holiness movement that occurred

                   just before the civil war to Methodism, and John Wesley

                             to Anglicanism (The Church of England) and James Arminius,

                                      to the Protestant Reformers and Martin Luther,

                                                to the Roman Catholic Church,

                                                          to the Apostles, to Jesus.




At the end of our session today you will

          Know why doctrine is important.

                   You will have gained and understanding of the core

                             values of the Church of the Nazarene,

                   you will have read through our doctrinal statements

                             And you will have taken a quiz to test your skills at discerning

                                      dogma and doctrine.


Why in the world would we spend time on learning the doctrines of our faith



          “Doctrine is important because ultimately the decisions that we make

                   and the actions that we perform will be based upon what we believe.”



2 Tim 4:3 (MSG)

You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy


Solid teaching, sound doctrine, is what we want to discover.


Our doctrinal beliefs form a part of our world view,

          how we see the reality around us,

                   shaping what we deem trivial and what we hold as vitally essential.


Doctrine dictates behavior,

          What we think effects what we do,

                   Doctrine creates boundary lines for discipleship.

                             They direct, and they contain, and they protect.


Doctrine helps us understand our faith.

          There is so much material in the scripture,

                   Faith statements give us summaries of what our faith community

                             deems important to living the Christian life.


Doctrine helps us to discern truth and error in our thinking.

          Scripture warns that there will come a day when people will believe what

                   ever they want concerning Christianity.

                             Doctrine ties us to a historical and theological tradition

                                      Safeguarding us from heresy.


But before we jump on what we as a faith community believes I want to watch a

          video that tells us who we are, what we value as a denomination.


                   By the way denomination is not a bad word.

                             It simply refers to a “subgroup within a religion that operates

                                      under a common name, tradition, and identity.”


                    “Core Values” clips


The Church of the Nazarene is composed of a Christian people,

          a holiness people and a Missional people.


Extremely diverse,

          23,000 local congregations in 151 countries

                   On average there are 500,000 Nazarenes gathering for morning

                             worship every Sunday in the USA and Canada.


                             As a body we raised almost 959 million dollars last year.


Huntington Beach Community Church is part of a much larger network.

          What ties us all together is our theology, our doctrines, our core values.


          Over the next four weeks we will be considering the doctrine of our church.


The Church of the Nazarene has 16 articles of faith. 

          16 doctrinal statements that identify who we are theologically within the

                   Christian faith family.




Let’s take a little quiz

          We’ll read the statement of belief and you choose if the statement is

                   Dogmatic, or Doctrine


                   Dogma would be a statement that in universally accepted by all

                             Christians everywhere.

                                      Dogma is essential Christianity                           


                    Doctrine here refers to what Nazarene’s believe.

                             If there’s a decidedly Nazarene twist, you need identify the

                                                entire statement as doctrine.


                             Everybody clear?



1.       We believe in one God, the Creator of all things, who reveals himself as                      Father, Son, and Spirit.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


2.       We believe in Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully human at the same                             time, who became like us to bring about our salvation.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


3.       We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is active in the world, bringing us                                    salvation.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


4.       We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, giving us all we need to know                         about how to saved.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


5.       We believe that we are all sinners by both nature and act and need God’s                             forgiveness and cleansing.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


6.       We believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross and that by trusting in His                            death we can be restored to a right relation to God.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine    


7.       We believe that God has enabled us to turn to Him from sin, but that He has                        not forced us to do so.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


8.       We believe that individually we must repent, turn away from our sins, and                           trust Christ to accept us.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


9.       We believe that when turn from sin and trust in Christ, the old record of sin                         is wiped clean and we are born anew, thus becoming part of the                                   family of  God.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


10.   We believe that after being born anew, we need the fullness of God’s Spirit in              our hearts.  When we make a complete commitment to Him, He                      cleanses our spirit, fills us with His perfect love, and gives us the

                   power to live victoriously.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


11.   We believe in the Church, the community that confesses Jesus Christ as Lord.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


12.   We believe in baptism and urge people to be baptized as Christians.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


13.   We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


14.   We believe in the Lord’s Supper.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


15.   We believe God can heal.  We pray for healing.  We also believe that God can work through medical science.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


16.   We believe that everyone shall face the judgment of God with its rewards and punishments.


          ___Dogma                               ___Nazarene Doctrine


Next week I’ll give you the answers.


Today during our introduction to this new series Beliefs of our Faith Community

          You’ve learned that doctrine is important.


The Apostle Paul told Titus that one of the characteristics of a person mature in

          Christ was there ability to hold true to sound doctrine.


Titus 1:9 (NIV)

He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.


In the video you watched about our larger faith community,

          You learned the we are a Christian people,

                   A holiness people and a Missional people.

                             Those are the core values of our organization.


          And we read through the 16 doctrinal statements of our faith community.

                   Over the next four weeks we’ll be making an examination of those

                             statements that we all might be able to encourage one another

                                      by a life style formed by sound doctrine.


Our doctrine is only good as it is lived out in our lives.

          If what we think we believe doesn’t influence how we live,

                   Then we really don’t believe it.


          To live your life to the full,

                   You need sound doctrine.




Beliefs of Our Faith Community Part #1


Apostle’s Creed


I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell.  The third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from where He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.


Authentic Christianity


There is the Dogma test of the incarnation:

Jesus is fully God and fully human, fully both at the same time.


There is the moral test of obedience:

A true believer obeys God’s commands


There is the social test of love:

A true believer self sacrificially meets the needs of others


Doctrine is a faith communities belief and practice based on dogma.



All doctrines are subordinate to dogma.


2 Timothy 4:3 (MSG)

You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy


Doctrinal beliefs form a part of our world view.


Doctrine dictates behavior.


Doctrine helps us understand our faith.


Doctrine helps us to discern truth and error in our thinking.


The Church of the Nazarene is composed of a Christian people, a holiness people and a missional people.


The Church of the Nazarene has 16 articles of faith. 



Read the statement of belief and you choose if the statement is Dogmatic, General Protestant Doctrine, or Nazarene Doctrine. Dogma would be a statement that in universally accepted by all Christians everywhere. If you check dogma, it by definition would include both protestant and Nazarene doctrine. General Protestant Doctrine is what non Catholics hold in common and such by definition would also include Nazarene doctrine. Nazarene doctrine will be faith statements peculiar to the Church of the Nazarene.


1.       We believe in one God, the Creator of all things, who reveals himself as Father, Son, and    Spirit.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


2.       We believe in Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully human at the same time, who            became like us to bring about our salvation.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


3.       We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is active in the world, bringing us salvation.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


4.       We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, giving us all we need to know                                   about how to saved.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


5.       We believe that we are all sinners by both nature and act and need God’s                             forgiveness and cleansing.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


6.       We believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross and that by trusting in His                             death we can be restored to a right relation to God.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine             


7.       We believe that God has enabled us to turn to Him from sin, but that He has                                    not forced us to do so.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


8.       We believe that individually we must repent, turn away from our sins, and                           trust Christ to accept us.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


9.       We believe that when turn from sin and trust in Christ, the old record of sin             is wiped clean and we are born anew, thus becoming part of the family of  God.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


10.   We believe that after being born anew, we need the fullness of God’s Spirit in our hearts.  When we make a complete commitment to Him, He cleanses our spirit, fills us with His perfect love, and gives us the         power to live victoriously.

            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


11.   We believe in the Church, the community that confesses Jesus Christ as Lord.


            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


12.   We believe in baptism and urge people to be baptized as Christians.


            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


13.   We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.


            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


14.   We believe in the Lord’s Supper.


            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


15.   We believe God can heal.  We pray for healing.  We also believe that God can work through medical science.


            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine


16.   We believe that everyone shall face the judgment of God with its rewards and punishments.


            ___Dogma                                          ___Nazarene Doctrine



Titus 1:9 (NIV)

He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.



Beliefs of Our Faith Community Part #1

Apostle’s Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell.  The third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from where He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.


Authentic Christianity

There is the Dogma test of the ­­­­­­_____________ :

Jesus is fully God and fully human, fully both at the same time.


There is the moral test of _____________:

A true believer obeys God’s commands


There is the social test of _____________:

A true believer self sacrificially meets the needs of others


Doctrine is a faith communities belief and practice based on _____________.







All doctrines are _____________ to dogma.

2 Timothy 4:3 (MSG)

You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy


Doctrinal beliefs form a part of our _____________ _____________.

            Doctrine dictates _____________.

                        Doctrine helps us understand our _____________.

                                    Doctrine helps us to discern truth and error in our _____________.


The Church of the Nazarene is composed of a Christian people, a holiness people and a _____________ people.


1.       We believe in one God, the Creator of all things, who reveals himself as Father, Son, and    Spirit.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


2.       We believe in Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully human at the same time, who became like us to bring about our salvation.     ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


 3.       We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is active in the world, bringing us salvation. ___Dogma __ Doctrine


4.       We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, giving us all we need to know  about how to saved.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


5.       We believe that we are all sinners by both nature and act and need God’s forgiveness and cleansing.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


6.       We believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross and that by trusting in His death we can be restored to a right relation to God.                       ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine  


7.       We believe that God has enabled us to turn to Him from sin, but that He has not forced us to do so.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine  


8.       We believe that individually we must repent, turn away from our sins, and trust Christ to accept us.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


9.       We believe that when turn from sin and trust in Christ, the old record of sin             is wiped clean and we are born anew, thus becoming part of the family of  God.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


10.   We believe that after being born anew, we need the fullness of God’s Spirit in our hearts.  When we make a complete commitment to Him, He cleanses our spirit, fills us with His perfect love, and gives us the         power to live victoriously.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


11.   We believe in the Church, the community that confesses Jesus Christ as Lord.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


12.   We believe in baptism and urge people to be baptized as Christians.    ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine              


13.   We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.                                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


14.   We believe in the Lord’s Supper.                                                           ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


 15.   We believe God can heal.  We pray for healing.  We also believe that God can work through medical science.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


16.   We believe that everyone shall face the judgment of God with its rewards and punishments.

                        ___Dogma      ___ Doctrine


Titus 1:9 (NIV)

He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.