Thanksgiving 2010

Its Hard To Be Thankful When You Feel Entitled



This week its our Thanksgiving Holiday.

          Hopefully you will gather with family and friends and enjoy a feast.

                   More importantly enjoy and celebrate the relationships that you share.


We have a kind of tradition around our Thanksgiving table.

          Before we have our family prayer time, we all go around the table and tell

                   everyone what we are thankful for.

                             Even though I know its coming, it still feels lame.


I’ve had to ask myself—why is my giving thanks seem so lame,

          Why isn’t my heart overflowing with thanks for how good I really have it.


Today I thought I would explore that with you.

          Why giving thanks is difficult for a lot of people.

                   I’ve entitled this little exploration

                             Its Hard To BE Thankful When You Feel Entitled


What I hope to accomplish is to point out to you that our feelings of entitlement get

          in the way of our feelings of thanksgiving and suggest to you a way to

                   reframe your life so that thanksgiving can really happen.


First let’s define entitlement.

          An entitlement is the right to guaranteed benefit.


          A benefit is something that is advantageous to you.

                   Something good, some kind of advantage,

                             Some kind of betterment or prosperity.


          That it’s a right means it’s a “just claim.”

                   And that this benefit is guaranteed means it is yours to have.


For instance the Constitution of the United States of America grants certain rights

          to its citizens,

certain guaranteed benefits for being an American.

The first ten additions to the original Constitution is known as

          the bill of rights.


As an American

          The government can’t force you to go to a state sponsored church.

                   The government can’t prevent you from speaking your mind,

                             Or printing your thoughts for distribution or keep you from

                                      gathering with like minded folks to discuss your

                                                grievances with the Government.


As a private citizen you have the right to own a fire-arm.

          The Constitution supports an armed citizenry.


The government can’t take your property from you and use it for its own



     Neither can the government on a whim search your private property and

              seize what belongs to you.


          As an American you have guaranteed rights in a court of law if you are

                   accused of some crime.

                             You can’t be tried for the same crime twice,

                                      You can’t be compelled to testify against yourself.

                                                You can’t be tried behind closed doors by some

                                                          secret tribunal.


                             You have the right to face your accuser,

                                       The right to a speedy trial,

                                                The right to be judged by a jury of your peers


                   The court is not allowed to fine you or set bail at an amount that you

                             are not able to pay thereby keeping you in custody.

                                      While in custody you will not be subject to cruel or

                                                unusual punishment.


There are other guaranteed benefits like the right to freely vote regardless of your

          race or gender, when you reach the age of 18—


As an American citizen you are entitled to these benefits.


But when we develop a sense of entitlement about all of life

we think we are guaranteed much more.

Just a little social commentary—

          When I think that because you have more than I do,

                   That you should give me some of what you have simply because

                             things aren’t equal—that’s a sense of entitlement.


A sense of entitlement convinces us that the world owes us and that we should be

          able to collect right now.


          There are certain key phrases that indicate our sense of entitlement:

                   Everybody else is….

                             They all have….

                                      It’s not fair…

                                                You owe me…

                                                          I shouldn’t have to work for …


          Entitlement is the notion that you are deserving of some particular reward or

                   benefit simply because you are you and on that merit, deserve it.


Since you always want more, and you want the latest,

                                      The coolest, the best, you’re never satisfied.

                                                To top that, what you do have,

you take for granted.


If you take what you have for granted and expect even more to be handed to you,

          You are never satisfied, never content and therefore never truly thankful.


          When you think you should have it better than you do,

                   that’s a sense of entitlement that makes real thanksgiving an



To develop a sense of thanksgiving you need to reframe how you see life.


One of the great reframes is coming to the realization that no one owes you



The Apostle Paul is writing to believers in Thessalonica and tells them that they

          need to work to get what they need and what the want.


2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 (MSG)

Don't you remember the rule we had when we lived with you? "If you don't work, you don't eat." And now we're getting reports that a bunch of lazy good-for-nothings are taking advantage of you. This must not be tolerated. We command them to get to work immediately—no excuses, no arguments—and earn their own keep.


Some people can get real content living of the generosity of others.

          Why work when I can mooch;

                   Why be a host when I can be a parasite;

                             Why produce when its easier to consume?

                                       Why work when I can make as much money on welfare?


          There are times when people need a hand-up,

                   but seldom a handout.

                             Before I give I always ask the question will this help them out,

                                      Or help them to continue needing help.


          The other day a couple came to use the Food Bank that you provide for folks

                   who are needing to make ends meet.

                             They carted away about four bags of food.

                                      When asked to stay for the church service,

                                                The invitation was declined because they had a spa



          See the disconnect.

                   Those folks felt they were entitled,

                             To take your food so that they could spend their money on

                                      Luxury items.


                   The sin nature, left to its own, demands that others take care of you;

                             its not your fault that luck hasn’t smiled on you,

                                      You’re not responsible for your circumstances,

                                                You’re just being oppressed by the rich.


Paul says, no—

                                      Earn your own keep, no one owes you anything.


Another important reframe is not taking things for granted.


If you have ever dealt with kids you’ve heard,

          Ah, do I have to go to school?


I don’t know about you but I took going to school for granted.

          I had no idea what a privilege it was to be given the opportunity to gain and


                             I had no idea that others were paying so that I could get that

                                      education with out financial cost to me.


          I went to public school, in Michigan the schools are funded by property



That means the homes and property of the people living in the school

          district, whether they had students are not,

 are accessed an amount of money that they are forced to

          pay so that I could go to school.


                             No free lunches, I took it for granted,

                                      Worse I didn’t realize what a gift it was.


I see it now too when I get to substitute,

          Kids don’t want to be in school.

                   Well, were would you rather be?

                             Playing video games, hanging out with my friends—

                                      Only in America.


          Not only do a vast majority of children in the world not have access an


                             They are working to survive.


Even in developed countries, an education,

                             A continuing education is a privilege and not a right.


As a kid I took having a roof over my head for granted,

          I took having clothes for granted,

                   I took having something to eat for granted,

                             I took leisure time for granted,

                                      I took use of the family car for granted,

                                                I took an allowance for granted.


          I expected all these things to be handed to me just because I am me,

          Having no idea that these were really love gifts from a parent who was

                   sacrificing for me to have these things.


                   You don’t appreciate what you take for granted,

                             What you don’t appreciate you are not thankful for,

                                      Rather you feel entitled to it.


Our physical well being, we often take for granted.

          The people that God has given to love us we take for granted.

                   Our opportunities we take for granted.

                             We think that tomorrow will be the same as yesterday so we

                                      take the day for granted.                  


          Amy Grant sings the song Big Yellow Taxi and the chorus is

Don't it always seem to go

          That you don't know what you've got till it's gone


Friends we don’t take stock of how good we have it until the good is gone and

          realize what has been taken away.


                    Taking things for granted blocks thanksgiving.



Psalms 103:2-5 (NIV)

Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,  who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.


When we think we are entitled, there’s no thanksgiving

          When we take things for granted, there’s not thanksgiving

                   Finally when we think that we have earned what we have,

                             There’s no thanksgiving.

I’m never thankful for the things I think are owed to me.


When you’ve worked your 40-50 hours in a week and get paid,

          Are you thankful—no,

                   You’re getting what’s yours,

                             You traded your labor for money,

                                      It’s a transaction.


It’s the other side of entitlement,

          You get what you work for.

                   There is a price to be paid for success and you have been paying it.

                             You are building the good life and things are going that way.


You’ve taken advantage of the tremendous opportunities living in America

          has to offer and you’re providing for yourself, maybe a  family,

making a difference for others,

          and enjoying the fruit of your labor.


There is a sense of satisfaction in what you have accomplished.

          But is there a sense of thanksgiving.

                   It doesn’t feel quite right to give myself thanks for all that I’ve done.


And you’re right,

          The third reframe is to realize everything comes from God.


Deuteronomy 8:17-20 (MSG)

If you start thinking to yourselves, "I did all this. And all by myself. I'm rich. It's all mine!"— 18 well, think again. Remember that God, your God, gave you the strength to produce all this wealth so as to confirm the covenant that he promised to your ancestors—as it is today. 19 If you forget, forget God, your God, and start taking up with other gods, serving and worshiping them, I'm on record right now as giving you firm warning: that will be the end of you; I mean it—destruction. 20 You'll go to your doom—


When we fail to realize that everything we are,

          Everything we are capable of doing,

                   Everything we own,

                             Is a gift from God,

                                      We think we did it all by ourselves,

                                                And that blocks giving thanks.


IF the veil that separates this physical world from the spiritual could be lifted,

          And you could clearly see the truth of the scripture:

Acts 17:28 (NIV)

'For in him we live and move and have our being.'


You would see how much God has done for you and is doing for you now.

          You draw breathe at God’s  good pleasure.


Daniel, of Daniel and the Lions Den, was called into the courts of King Belshazzar,

          To decipher the legendary “hand writing on the wall.”

                   Before Daniel reads he tells the king


Daniel 5:23 (NIV)

But you did not honor the God who holds in his hand your life and all your ways.


You thought you did it all on your own,

          You failed to acknowledge that your life and your ways, your achievements,

                   You victory, your success, your prosperity came from the hand of


                                      Daniel then goes on to tell the King,

                                                Because you failed to recognize who is the one

                                                          blessing your life, bad times are coming.


When we think we are entitled, there’s no giving thanks

          When we take things for granted, there’s no giving thanks

                   Finally when we think that we have earned what we have,

                             There’s no giving thanks.


I want to think about life, my life, not in accordance with the ways of the world.

          But in accordance with the ways of God.

                   I want to be convinced that I am not entitled,

                             No one owes me anything,

                                      Instead I’m the one who owes a continuing debt of love.


                   I want to be convinced that who I am, what I have, the people I know,

                             the strength in my body, the clarity of thought is all a precious

                                      gift from God and not to be taken for granted.


                   I want to be convinced that it has been, is now, and will be God’s

                             grace and love that empowers me to do all the things that I do,

                                      to earn the money I earn, to provide for my family.


I want that because this thanksgiving around the family feast I need to be able to

          express heart felt thanks for God’s great blessings in my life.


Maybe you feel that your giving thanks at thanksgiving is a little lame.

          Maybe you’re hard pressed to express your appreciation for the gift of the

                   life that you have.

Maybe your praying “Please don’t anyone ask that corny

          question: What are you thankful for?”


          Maybe your working on an answer even now so you will look all spiritual to

                   those who hear your response.


If that’s what you want, then God will let you live with a sense of entitlement.


But if you long for genuine thanksgiving because you have taken stock of

                   your life and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has so richly

                             blessed you,


then maybe with me you will pray that God will help us reframe our

          thinking and open our eyes so that we can pour out praise and

                   thanksgiving  for the  great things He has done.


Here’s the reframe for those of us who can’t think of anything to be thankful for--


Nobody owes you anything


Don’t take things, your current state of being or the people in your life for granted


Recognize that all that you have and all that you are is a gift from God.


It’s my prayer for you that this Thanksgiving,

          God will open your eyes and let you see how much He has blessed your life.

                   Ask God to open your heart so that sincere thanksgiving pours out of

                             the depths of your being.